Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Overnight Deep Conditioning Experiment

(the overnight cap and headband) Me after rinse, shake, and towel blot
Sunday night, I tried something that a lot of women swear by--overnight conditioning treatments. I used Garnier Fructis Deep Conditioner (one of my favorites!).

Here's the combout after two weeks of twists, and this is a texture profile shot (I've got more sideburns than Colonel Sanders!)
I didn't really notice any benefit to my hair. That morning, I set my hair braids after rubbing some olive and coconut oil in my hair, and wore a scarf to class.

Yesterday, I wore a braidout to school and work. I kept the front two braids because I tend to frizz out in front otherwise. Nice and cute!
Next experiment: Flat twistout! Stay tuned!

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